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© Churnsike Lodge 2024
Website by LDWS



Northumberland is a wild county with weather to match. Here at Churnsike Lodge, we are possibly one of the most remote locations in the whole county. There is only one, 10 miles long, public access road to the property and the last 700 metres of it does run alongside a river. As such, please be aware that whilst normal weather conditions should not hinder your stay at Churnsike Lodge at all, during harsher winters and or in periods of particularly heavy rainfall, it has been known for access to become limited. It is our sincere recommendation that you consult the national and local weather channels before you set off if you wish to avoid this. In addition, the featured widget details the local weather in the area surrounding Churnsike Lodge and RAF Spadeadam and is updated continuously.



Useful Tools

This weather forecast is generated by the Met Office Weather Widget