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Frontier of Rome

The most northern extent of the whole Roman Empire, Northumberland is home to possibly the most well known Roman landmark outside of the Eternal City itself. Spanning the bleak and windswept landscape of Northumberland and Cumberland for 73 miles, Hadrian’s Wall has stood for over 1800 years, still guarding the frontier of an Empire long gone. Comprised of around 15 major fortresses, 80 mile-castles and several hundred turrets, way-stations and outposts, the Wall served not only as a defensive structure to hold back the rebellious tribes of the North and lowland Scotland, but also a political expression of Roman power

There are many places to be explored along the wall, the most recognisable being the remarkably well preserved forts at Housesteads, Vindolanda and Birdoswald. While all are well worth visiting, Vindolanda is also home to the ongoing Vindolanda excavations – a 70 year old  series of digs that have so far unearthed some of the most important artefacts from anywhere within the Empire – the Vindolanda Tablets. Made up of a collection of over 750 thin wooden sheets, these incredible ink inscribed tablets detail a plethora of subjects regarding life in Roman Britain – from official military correspondence to more personal matters such as an invitation to the birthday party of one Claudia Sevara, the wife of the commander of a nearby fort, to her friend Sulpicia Lepidina, the wife of Vindolanda’s commanding officer.

Whilst the majority of these tablets reside with the British Museum, Vindolanda’s own Chesterholm Museum displays many of the artefacts found during the digs, including a small selection of the tablets. Alongside the Chesterholm Museum, Vindolanda is also affiliated with the Roman Army Museum at Greenhead, which, in addition to many conventional displays of artefacts, also features an excellent 3D informational film detailing life on the frontier in AD122. Of course, it doesn’t just end with the Wall – all across Northumberland, numerous remnants of Roman Rule can be found and countless more are simply waiting to be discovered…

Despite the ravages of time, these ancient stones still resonate with an echo of might – a subtle reminder that Rome may be gone from these shores, but it refuses to be forgotten. With spectacular views over some of Northumberland’s best scenery, including the breathtaking Great Whin Sill and picturesque Sycamore Gap, the Wall cannot fail to impress. Whether you‘re a casual day-tripper, a dedicated historian or you’re just looking for a good walk with stunning landscapes – Hadrian’s Wall has plenty to offer.

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